Monday, October 8, 2007

Observation 1.3

Date: October 7,2007
Time: 10-10:20 PM
Location: Bee Ridge Rd. (East of the interstate)
Sky conditions: mostly clear with just a few clouds

Plantes: Jupiter was low above the horizon

Bright Stars: Antares, Altair, Vega (I couldn't tell which star was Deneb, so I was not able to identify the entire summer triagle)

Constellations noted: Delphinus, Aquila (although it was difficult to see because of the Milky Way)

Other: The moon was a waning cresent, it was barely visible; the Milky Way was also visible (at first I thought it was clouds, but it was such a defined stretch that I eventually realized it was the Milky Way)

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